Monday, June 15, 2009

Introduction to the Christian Walk: Introduction

Symbols of ChristianityImage by JL Outdoor Photography via Flickr

“Why didn't anyone tell me about that?”

He confided in me his greatest longing to please God and how he felt that he had let God down. He was feeling pretty beat up. I had just asked him if he had ever read Romans 7 and 8. I told him how these passages are given to us so that we can understand victory in Christian living. He was both excited and disappointed. He was excited for the new direction that God's Spirit had placed on his life. He was disappointed that he had not learned it two decades ago when he first became a Christian.

There are many things that I know now that I wished I knew when I was starting out in my Christian walk. I am sure there are many of you who can relate to this. If I had known these things I could have saved myself a bunch of trouble. There are some basic principles that God has reveled to me over the years from His Word that I would like to share with you! These basics have been repeated over and over through the centuries of Christian faith, so I am not doing anything new here. My hope is to organize it in such a way that it introduces new believers to this thing called Christianity, reintroduces the faithful to some basic concepts that are easily understood and timeless, non-Christians to be introduced to core values of the faith and consider taking the step of faith to become a Christian, and finally to encourage people to consider get back to studying the Bible.

My focus over the next couple of weeks will be on five main subjects that come from five important passages from the Bible. These subjects are: Salvation (John 3:16), Love (1 Corinthians 13), Origin of life (Genesis 1), Spiritual victory (Romans 8), and Comfort in times of struggle (Psalms 23). I consider this a work in progress so I appreciate any comments or critiques which will help me make this useful to others. The title of this series will be “Introduction the Christian Walk.” I also encourage you to read and study these passages. Do not take my word for what they are saying. Pray and ask God to increase your understanding and study them for yourself. My overall goal is to lead you in studying God's word. These five subjects are a core of the countless practical truths that exist in the Bible. By discovering a love of God's Word my hope is to introduce you to a lifetime of discovering the truths contained within it's pages.

Father lead us into all truth! Your Word is truth. In Jesus Name Amen

First Lesson Salvation

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