Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Lawlessness Leads to Lovelessness

Because lawlessness will multiply, the love of many will grow cold. Matthew 24:12

Someone recently asked me if I thought we were in the end times.  I shared with them that I do not know.  Every generation thinks that they are in the last times.  It is a theme that has been repeated throughout the history since Christ. That being said one of the signs leading up to the end times is that the “love of many will grow cold.”  

The root cause of this happening is because of lawlessness.  This means that people will adopt a stance of open defiance of the law.  When a society and culture start down a road in which laws are rejected, unevenly applied, or treated as things to only follow if one agrees with it something fundamentally changes in that culture.  This can be seen through out human history.  It is not surprising then that this is one of the characteristics that occur in the end times.  This lawlessness leads to lovelessness.  I grieve how far down this road we have ventured.  

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ please for the love of God please restore your first love.  Please take a stand against unrighteousness, injustice, prideful elevation of self above the law, uneven application of the law and other types of lawlessness.  God’s law is of primary concern and ought to be our highest aim.  Love of God and our neighbors is the greatest command on which every other law and teachings rest on.  Let us not fall short in loving well.   Do not overcome evil with evil but rather overcome evil with good.  

Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good. Romans 12:21

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